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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


AEI partners with faculty and 工作人员 to foster continuous improvement in teaching and learning, 评估, 项目评审, 和课程通过协作的专业发展.


Our 工作人员 provide 专业发展 opportunities for all employees, 包括教师, 工作人员, 和大学领导. 年度活动包括新教师学院, 两个为期两天的在职教师活动, 春季学期的专业发展日, 以及其他各种研讨会, 会话, 你可以在我们的网站上找到培训机会 PD日历.


Saint Paul College engages in 学生学习评估 at the college-wide level, 在项目层面, 在课程层面, 在课外层面. AEI为教师提供帮助, 员工和项目,因为他们创造了可衡量的成果, 收集证据, 分析和使用结果. We support all aspects of the 评估 process through consultation and resources. We also help to integrate 学生学习评估 into 项目评审s.


We help Saint Paul College – everyone from individual instructors to whole departments and programs -- with all phases of instructional design: creating program and course learning outcomes, getting them approved by the Academic Affairs and Standards Council, 策划课程和课程, 制定评估和大纲, and incorporating innovative tools and culturally responsive teaching techniques. 无论教学模式-面对面, 在线, 或混合- AEI可以帮助你做你最擅长的, 更好的.


Every program at Saint Paul College participates in the 项目评审 process with a thorough comprehensive review every three years and progress-check annual reviews in the years between. The 项目评审 includes a wide variety of data including enrollment, 当然成功, 保留, 毕业成果, 学生学习评估, and equity measures that allow faulty in the program to describe the state of their program and to analyze trends and discuss options for improving. The 项目评审 also documents changes to 课程, instruction, and development. AEI在整个过程中提供支持和指导.


Central to all AEI’s work with faculty and 工作人员 across the College, 我们努力营造一种不断反思和成长的文化. Change in higher education is common, but not always easy to embrace. 我们的目标是使变革可持续, 有意的, 对我们社区不断变化的需求也很有意义. 通过专业发展和数据咨询, we support individuals and teams as they engage in annual and iterative processes to improve the outcomes of their work.


作为学术效率与创新主任, Dianne provides vision and leadership for a comprehensive model of 学生学习评估, 课程, 以及教职员工的发展. 她还监督和指导mg电子试玩app图书馆. 在2020年来到mg电子试玩app之前, 黛安担任英语教师, 教学设计经理, 作家兼编辑.

黛安领导教职员工在职活动, 教职员工专业发展日, 新的教师定位, 新学院, 以及学院的各种其他活动和节目. She is a Mental 健康 First Aid Instructor and an IDI Certified Administrator, 在几个委员会和工作组任职, and co-leads the Equity by Design initiative at Saint Paul College.

黛安热衷于与教师合作, 工作人员, 和大学领导 to enhance the student experience and working to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. 可以联系到她 戴安.gregory@yscfrp.com.

Prior to joining Saint Paul College in April 2017 as a 健康 Sciences Pathway Advisor, Tom had worked in higher education since 2008 in a wide array of student facing roles in both Academic Affairs and Student Affairs. He has experience managing and leading programming in areas of recruitment, mg电子试玩app, 取向, 居住生活, 建议, 辅导, 可及性服务, 经济和学术吸引力, 行为干预小组, 评估, 并教授学术和职业规划课程.

In his current role as Director of Staff Development and Co-Curricular Assessment, Tom consults with teams and individuals across the College regarding 工作人员 专业发展 and student learning 评估 needs, 资源和措施. Tom is passionate about celebrating and recognizing the expertise and commitment that 工作人员 and faculty share as educator.

James has a deep background in teaching English as a Foreign Language both domestically and overseas and joined Saint Paul College in 2018 as an Instructional Designer. He loves working with faculty to help them improve their teaching or course design, 采用新技术或符合文化的技术, and become 质量问题 certified and is available for 1-on-1 consultations or group training.

詹姆斯领导教师焦点星期五, 质量问题节目, 圣保罗在线教学课程, 并共同领导设计公平小组. He also organizes a monthly Tea Time social gathering for all faculty and 工作人员, 他是趣味小队的一员, 大学里的社会活动策划小组.

Christopher has education and experience in 课程 and instruction, 数学, 以及数学教育. With 15 years of experience as a 数学 faculty member and 4 years as a high school teacher he brings a faculty perspective to his work as the 课程 and 评估 coordinator. He provides support and guidance in the process and interpretation of assessing student learning. He can help with 评估 plans, 项目评审, program modifications, and curricular changes.

Christopher is involved in the Academic Affairs and Standards Council, 学生学习评估委员会, 设计团队的权益, 以及业务效率委员会. His specialty is in interpreting data and helping faculty to ask questions and draw conclusions. Whether it is technical or theoretical, advanced or basic, he is here to help.

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